Responsible for the contents
the vacation portal around Sarasota Florida
Hauptstrasse 15
CH-8246 Langwiesen
The copyright of all content on this website is owned by Sarasota-Online.
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When website visitors leave comments or form entries, the data entered and their IP addresses are stored. This is done for security purposes in case someone writes unlawful content (insults, left- or right-wing extremist propaganda, hate postings, etc.). In this case, we are interested in the identity of the author.
All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time of their inclusion. Nevertheless, we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the unchecked use of content of linked pages, the provider of the page to which reference was made shall be solely liable. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of use or other reasons of any kind.
All texts and links have been carefully checked and are continuously updated. We strive to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but do not assume any responsibility, guarantees or liability that the information provided through this website, including any database entries, is accurate, complete or current. We reserve the right to make changes to the information on this website at any time without notice, and we make no commitment to update the information contained herein.
On the web page is referred by means of link setting to the web pages of other offerers. Such and other references go e.g. to restaurants, hotels, real estate, organizers, weather forecasts, advertising banners, manufacturers and company information. This does not constitute a recommendation by Sarasota-Online for third parties and/or their services nor an evaluation in this regard. Sarasota-Online is not liable for their content including prices and availability of products and the sites themselves. Sarasota-Online does not adopt the contents of third party sites as its own.
Sarasota-Online had or has no knowledge of illegal content/data on the linked pages, neither at the time of linking nor in the present. In particular, Sarasota-Online has no influence on the future content/data and design of such sites. Sarasota-Online hereby dissociates itself from all content/data of such sites.
These statements also apply to all other references to external content and websites within Sarasota-Online’s own website as well as to external entries in discussion forums set up by Sarasota-Online. Furthermore, for links/references and content/data on the websites of partners within the framework of the partner program and the partner websites themselves.
For illegal, incorrect, outdated or incomplete contents/data and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information and web pages presented in such a way, the respective provider of the page and/or the person from whom the contents/data originate shall be solely liable.
If the user has any concerns regarding the content/data of third-party websites, he/she shall direct these against the respective operator/provider and/or responsible party.
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The contents/data published on Sarasota-Online (e.g. software, products, information, reports, images, graphics, illustrations) are protected by law. Any kind of duplication, distribution, microfilming, translation and other, in particular commercial exploitation/use and public reproduction is prohibited and may only be published or processed by third parties with permission. All trademarks, work titles, business designations and other protected designations mentioned on the website and possibly also protected by third-party rights are subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark and designation law. The mere mention of a name should not lead to the conclusion that brands/trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties.
Image credits and copyright
Many thanks to for the provided images such as in the header on the home page.
Our creative partner for photography – photos full of life.